Zoe Acclimating To A New Family/Pack

It’s been 5 weeks since we picked up Zoe from Barcs.org as a foster dog, and ended up adopting her. She is doing great. Every dog is an individual therefore the acclimation time could be days, weeks or months. And with that in mind, this is how she is doing: I love to see the…

Working With Vanna

Although it looks like Vanna is relaxing, let me tell you that she’s been working very hard on loose leash walking, steps/stairs, and doors. When it comes to steps/stairs and doors, she is doing much better than the first day we got her, but I want to work a bit more on these areas because…

How Was Your Weekend?

As the picture above of my 2 ungrateful furry kids show, we did get a chance to relax this past weekend. I did some cleaning, and it was interesting because neither of them went to sleep til I was finished even though they had their comfortable bed. Maybe it was all the noise I made….

Is It Spring Or Summer?

I am a bit confused with the weather here in Maryland. The last couple of days have been chilly-no, cold is the better word-but a few weeks ago we had temperature that went up to 75 degrees. I was about to put all our winter clothes away, but the cold weather came back, so Abby…

Happy Belated Birthday Abby & Charlie!

Let me start by saying that I am a terrible mom. Why? I forgot Charlie’s birthday, and because of that we had to celebrate their birthdays together. My focus at the beginning of the year happens to be taxes, and I know that is just an excuse, so I will do better next year. Abby,…

Happy New Year 2023!

Well, we decided to start 2023 by eating and relaxing just like our canine companions on the above picture. Dogs are amazing teachers, if you take the time to really watch how they live their lives, and so we decided to copy their behavior and relax. Happy New Year to you, your furry kids, and…

Bundle Up! It’s Starting To Get Cold Here

Let me start by saying that most of the time I feel cold. I see people wearing shorts and t-shirts during fall season and I am in awe of them because I’m already cold during this time. Charlie, our GSD mix, was wearing a backpack, but no sweater, the same goes for Abby and Remy….

Stop Talking To Your Dog!

Years ago, when I took my very first dog training class with an excellent dog trainer, Janet Bennet, there was a lady with a small dog and during class she had conversations with her dog rather than plainly telling him, “Sit.” To say that I smiled about this exchange between the two of them would…

Managing A Multi-Dog Household

A few pet parents have asked me how do I manage a multi-dog household and this is what I tell them: Exercise is the #1 ingredient and the most important of all. If your dog is tired, chances that he will have the energy to get in trouble highly decreases. He can run, walk, hike,…

My Mom Is Feeling Under The Weather

Abby, “So my mom has not been feeling well these last couple of days, therefore our walks, tummy rubs, treats, and so much more declined considerably. I didn’t know what to do so I asked her to take a look at our old pics and whichever one made her smile to post on her website….